United in Hope, Joined in Faith
Reaching All Nations St. Matthew 28: 19-20
Kingdom Commission 28 (DBA name of Kingdom Construction Crew Ministries Inc.) This church/church network is organized to act an association of churches, which also includes memberships for ministries, ministers, and individual Christians throughout the U.S., and the world.
Association/Fellowship Churches Objectives
1. Network/Association Division Objectives
1. To Internationally establish and strengthen existing places of worship (Churches)​
2. To plant fellowship churches
3. To coordinate efforts to aid the poor
4. To engage in the provision of marketplace ministers and or clergy to those in need outside of the church walls.
5. To provide free pastoral counseling, and religious educational to our member churches, ministries, ministers, and individual Christians
6. To provide connection for non member affiliates
(Those who just want to connect without official membership)
7. To conduct and aid others in evangelistic and humanitarian outreach activities throughout the world.
8. To commission, license, and ordain ministers of the gospel
through our school of ministry for the purpose of advancing the kingdom of God around the world.
1. Local Fellowship Churches Objectives
(Church Plants)
Our mission is to share the gospel, reach the unreached,
care for the poor the widow in the orphan, and make and make disciples across cultural boundaries.
We are not here to just focus on our local church community, but the world around us.
We share the love, care, and healing power of God's kingdom to those who are in need in traditional, and creative ways.
“He loves us beyond comprehension,
and we cannot diminish his love for us.”
Kingdom Commission 28